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Training for teachers in Petnica Science Center

The Petlja Foundation, with the help of the Dokukino Foundation and Microsoft Philantropies Initiative, organized training for more than 800 computer science teachers from disadvantaged municipalities all around Serbia.The main goal of this project was to support the teaching of programming in schools, which was a newly introduced subjet into the mandatory public school curriculum for primary schools. Through raising the competences of computer science teachers, the Petlja Foudnation aimed at supporting and strenghtening the initiative to introduce computer science as a mandatory part od computer science curriculum in the public education system in Serbia.

Project results: The most significant achievement of the project is building capacities of computer science teachers from disadvantaged municipalities. These teachers have fewer opportunities for professional development than their colleagues from bigger cities and these training sessions had a direct impact on the creation of better quality of computer science classes and therefore on the success of the students.

Partners on the project: Dokukino Foundation

Project Duration: October 2017 - April 2018